SecturaFAB Is On A Mission To Innovate The Metals Industry From Within.

Launched in 2014, SecturaFAB has helped customers around the globe.
ONI makes a strategic investment in SecturaFAB.
SecturaFAB joins the Stella Source family of products.
“The successful implementation and adoption of technology is the next critical horizon for the metals industry.”
Wes Spencer, VP of Product
Our Why
SecturaFAB's founding team had decades of experience creating industry leading CAD/CAM nesting solutions. During this time, they started noticing a gap in the tools available to front office teams, particularly the estimating and sales departments. Typically, these groups relied on spreadsheet calculators to estimate costs, which worked well enough for some, but the spreadsheets formulas would often break over time, or various versions of spreadsheets would be used simultaneously leading to inconsistencies across the team. Further, geometry would have to be read by other tools outside the reach of estimators, so other departments would need to provide assistance.

Inaccurate quotes were costly from a margin perspective, but the inaccuracies in materials needed created headaches for production teams as well. For other companies, engineers were becoming too involved with the quoting process, which meant their time was spent on speculative work instead of value-add production. For others, a generation of experts were retiring with no one to replace them.

SecturaFAB was created to solve those pain points. Without needing help from production teams, estimators themselves could create accurate quotes faster than ever. Managers could create guardrails and control profits, but more importantly, it was now easier to train new hires.
Our Values
Respectful & Respected
Always saying “yes” helps us discover different opinions, perspectives and backgrounds that further define and shape who we are as industry experts.
Humble & Bold
We do not shy away or back down from difficult problems, instead we embrace a conscientious and considered approach to solve them.
Curious & Transformative
We are constantly exploring and studying the world around us, so that we can develop industry-leading solutions that advance our partners’ businesses.
Relentless & Thoughtful
Our culture of listening keeps us open to change and motivates us to act on the things we’ve heard, fueling our growth and desire to constantly improve.

Our History

Since 2014, SecturaFAB has a rich history of leading innovation from within the metals industry. That core mission of elevating the industry was shared with O'Neal Industries, who became an investor and strategic partner in 2022. Now under the Stella Source umbrella, SecturaFAB continues it's mission of advancing the industry with innovative technology
SecturaSOFT is founded and launches their flagship product SecturaFAB.
ONI invests in SecturaSOFT.

ONI invested in SecturaSOFT to further enhance the capabilities of the platform and drive innovation for the metals industry.

Late 2022
SecturaSOFT adopts SecturaFAB as the corporate identity.

The SecturaSOFT name is retired so company and product now share the same name, SecturaFAB.

Late 2023
Sister company Stella Source debuts.

Stella Source launches at FabTech 2023 with assistance from SecturaFAB.

Early 2024
SecturaFAB joins the Stella Source umbrella.

Both products operate under Stella Source, backed by ONI's expertise and reputation for innovation within the metals industry.

Estimate And Quote With Greater Speed, Accuracy, And Consistency.
SecturaFAB gives you the tools to elevate and accelerate your current processes.