Customer Story

AWI Manufacturing Streamlined Their Quoting Process And Helped Grow A New Division

By adopting SecturaFAB, AWI was able to turn the custom metal fabrication division into a force.


AWI Manufacturing, an ISO Certified metal fabricator with over 110,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing floor space, has been delivering exceptional stainless steel products since 1970. AWI manufactures a large product line of fabricated drainage systems and components, but after making investments in new manufacturing machines, they decided to start a custom fabrication division to make sure the machines were always running.

The Situation

Before adopting SecturaFAB and integrating it with their ERP system, Global Shop, AWI faced challenges in their custom fabrication sales process. The reliance on manual Excel spreadsheets resulted in inefficiencies, inaccuracies, and time-consuming processes. Tom Issendorf, Sales Manager at AWI, recognized the need for a more streamlined solution to improve the quoting process, enhance accuracy, and boost efficiency across the sales team.

We'd basically enter everything into our Excel spreadsheets to calculate all our pricing—all very manual, time-consuming work. If it became an order, you'd have to reopen everything, get your estimates, and build your work orders off of that. It was all very manual.

The Solution

Upon discovering SecturaFAB and recognizing its potential to revolutionize their sales workflow, AWI decided to implement the software and integrate it with Global Shop. This integration offered a seamless transition from quote to order entry, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors.

It's a huge part of the savings—being able to click a couple of buttons and get everything we need from SecturaFAB into Global Shop. Once I get into SecturaFAB, get everything perfect from part numbers, pricing, material cost, I then hit the export button and push that into Global Shop into the quote form. And then we'll send that quote form from Global Shop to the customer. Now, we're able to tie everything back to that Global Shop quote number, which helps our downstream processes.

With SecturaFAB's intuitive interface and powerful features, including nesting capabilities and accurate material estimation, AWI's sales team could generate quotes quickly and confidently. The software's ability to handle various input formats, from CAD files to hand sketches, ensured flexibility and adaptability in their quoting process.

The Results

The implementation of SecturaFAB and its integration with Global Shop yielded significant benefits for AWI:

1. Improved Efficiency: By automating manual tasks and streamlining the quoting process, SecturaFAB enabled AWI's sales team to work more efficiently. With just a few clicks, they could generate accurate quotes, saving valuable time and resources.

2. Enhanced Accuracy and Consistency: With SecturaFAB, AWI achieved greater accuracy and consistency in their quotes. The software's standardized templates and automatic data transfer to Global Shop ensured that all quotes were uniform and error-free, reducing the risk of discrepancies.

3. Cost Savings and Resource Optimization: The time and cost savings achieved through SecturaFAB's efficiency gains allowed AWI to allocate resources more effectively. Without the need to hire additional full-time employees to manage manual processes, the company realized significant cost savings and improved profitability.

4. Increased Confidence in Material Estimation: SecturaFAB's nesting feature and accurate material estimation capabilities provided AWI with the confidence to order exactly what they needed, minimizing material waste and optimizing inventory management. This precision not only saved costs but also ensured timely project completion.

5. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: With faster response times and more accurate quotes, AWI could better meet their customers' needs and expectations. The improved sales process contributed to enhanced customer satisfaction and strengthened relationships with clients.

In conclusion, the SecturaFAB and Global Shop integration have transformed AWI's sales processes, delivering tangible benefits in efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. By embracing innovative solutions, AWI remains a competitive force in the metal fabrication industry, poised for continued growth and success.

Estimate And Quote With Greater Speed, Accuracy, And Consistency.
SecturaFAB gives you the tools to elevate and accelerate your current processes.